$20 worth of product for FREE!!
Windex touch up cleaner is on sale for $3.50 at target. It is also part of the buy 4 get a $5 dollar gift card deal. I bought 4 and paired it with a 50% cartwheel and two $2 off 2 coupons. Plus one was broken so i got 10% extra off one making it 2.88 total with a free $5 gift card.
50% cartwheel from The Target Cartwheel App
$2.00 off two coupon from: http://www.coupons.com/coupons/?pid=15493&nid=10&zid=yn07
Bolthouse is 2.99 at target and i had a $1.00 off coupon making it $1.99
$1.00 off coupon for complementing the bolthouse company.
Lipton 20 count green tea is on sale for $1.07 at target. I stacked the sale with a dollar off coupon making it $0.07 total.
$1.00 off coupon from: http://www.coupons.com/coupons/?pid=15493&nid=10&zid=yn07
100% Savings! $0.06 money maker!